I want to live in a world where everyone is respected, valued and loved. I want brotherly love and compassion to abound. I want the beautiful virtues that all humans possess to be the guiding force as we inhabit this earth together. I become frustrated and saddened when I see people hurting each other because of differing beliefs, vying for power and oppressing others. The world is a place of abundance and yet we humans live as if there is a scarcity of resources. We want what is rightfully ours and we will take, guard and protect it at any cost, even the cost of others’ lives. Our world situation troubles me. I often cry while watching as current events unfold before my eyes on the evening news. What can I, a middle-aged white woman do? Where do I start? How can I be a change agent? Eleanor Roosevelt said that it isn’t enough to talk about peace or even enough to believe in peace, one must WORK at it. Ollin Women International has given me the space to WORK on transforming the way I interact and see others. My starting place has been very simplistic. I have chosen to follow the advice of a very wise woman, Mother Teresa, who walked before me and understood a thing or two about peace. I will follow her lead in that my starting place is a simple, genuine smile.  I will WORK from this place, the place of a smile.
-Laurel Lapane