
June 19, 2020

Rev. Cindy Grimes

"In every moment we have the power to choose our thoughts. Choose peace."
June 19, 2020

Barbara Fitos

"Peace is not a process. It's a state of BEING"
June 19, 2020

Alison Clement

"Peace is like art. The more of it we have in the world, the world is that much more beautiful. And it takes practice."
June 19, 2020

Dr. Barbara J. Brooks

"Resolve to think peace, have a spirit of peace, speak and advocate for peace."
June 13, 2019

Peaceful Revolution with Paul K. Chappell

March 8, 2019

2019 International Women’s Day Celebration Luncheon

February 10, 2019

Leadership Embodiment

October 5, 2018

Operation Oprah

September 22, 2018 Conference in Toronto, Ontario